I would like to think that we have darn near perfect days here.....days when I really think that life can't get any better. Days that I can't imagine do anything else than playing with my toddlers all day long. And days that I never want them to grow up.
But I say "darn near perfect" because sometimes daddy isn't here with us during the week. Our perfect days are for the weekend, and this past one was no exception.
At the end of last week we had some severe cold weather here in Michigan, and so, we (meaning the twins and I) did not venture out of the house. We didn't really need to and if it's anything under zero degrees out I'm not in a real big hurry to go anywhere outside.
But Saturday was a tad, just a tad bit better. So we ventured out as a family......to the mall! Yes, the mall. I had to exchange some shoes for Sammy, we had errands to run, etc. But there was a play area at the mall which Sam and Sabrina enjoyed for a good 45 minutes.
After they had seriously burned off some energy they were treated to a special cookie and enjoyed the rest of the walk around the mall in their stroller. On our way home we decided that sushi sounded good (for us, not them), but they were also treated to a fully cooked Chinese meal. We ate take-out dinner together as a family and the twins sampled our chopsticks.
Afterwards, we just enjoyed the rest of the day.....playing and reading.....randomly watching some kids television together.....and just being together, as a family.
Sounds pretty perfect to me.
And it was.