That long? I see the last time I blogged (published blog, that is) was in January. And now looking back, I remember why.
I feel like I pretty much skipped over January and February and landed somewhere in the middle of March. Sometime after my grandmother had a heart attack and open heart surgery. Sometime after I was so scared of losing another person in my life. Sometime after my babies--yes--BABIES turned two years old when I wasn't looking and had to recognize it when planning their birthday party. And sometime between January and March that one of my children became potty trained.
So here I am, at the beginning of June with a thankfully healthy grandmother who is as frisky as ever and two two year olds that are as frisky as ever too. Oh, and caught the chicken pox too. Yeah, throw that in there.
Of course other stuff happened in life because we all know that even if I stop blogging, my blogging material doesn't go away. And I couldn't even write down everything in an interesting enough way that anyone would ever want to read it.
So here are some milestones:
Sammy finally found all of his vocabulary sometime before he turned two. He is a repeating machine and his voice is simply enchanting.
Little Miss (aka Sabrina) is sassier than ever. She continuously puts Sammy into time-outs (and other toys and objects) as well if she feel she has been wronged. She will also put herself into time-out.....but carry out the deed knowing she will go into time-out.
Sammy knows how to climb out of his crib. But only did it once.
Sabrina is pretty much fully potty trained--we are working on naps and night time.
Oh! And Sabrina is finally starting to get her teeth in. Yeah, I know she is two. But seriously, the girl (until recently) had like four teeth. Certainly didn't stop her from eating though.
Usually when I blog it is because something strikes me to do so. Today I was struck. I wanted to write about it and remember it. I've been a tad stressed out lately and this sort of thing helps ground me and remind me what life is truly about.
Both the twins usually love to be sang to. It could be any song really, but they have their favorites. For awhile, the theme song to "Jay-Jay the Jet Plane" was their favorite although I really don't know why. But there have been others too, like "Row Row Row Your Boat" that sometimes they want to hear over and over again.
When Sammy is in a certain state of mind, only that one song will do that he wants to hear. But he asks in the sweetest, sweetest way. His main song lately is the Thomas the Train theme song. Do not get me started on his Thomas obsession, for I did not foster it, but it is there nonetheless. So if I start singing Jay-Jay, he says, "No Jay-Jay, how about Thomas?" And it begins a little game we play.
I will literally start singing every song and every time I do he quietly says, "No Twinkle, how about Thomas?" And not only does he do it in the sweetest way, but he tilts his head to one side as if only knowing how cute he can possibly be. He knows we are playing a game and he likes it. But his face also lights up when I beginning singing his song of choice.
So today while playing the game I wanted to remember that there was a time my singing (and I don't sing well) put a smile on my son's face. He smiles and stares intently at me as I finish and helps me words along the way. I want to remember that.
I want to remember that when Sabrina wants to give me Eskimo kisses she will hold my face tight and rub noses. And almost always, she will tell me she loves me after a kiss. I want to remember that.
I'd rather forget all the stress and drama. I know it comes with life, but sometimes, it's just overrated.