My Sammy was born at 2:36 am on March 2nd, 2007. He was born first of the two and slightly bigger. Even upon birth he bore a very close resemblance to his daddy. Everyone joked that it was really Jason's head upon a little body. He had a head full of dark locks and big, beautiful, and bright blue eyes.
My Sammy has always been a snuggler. He is (and always has been) quite content to crawl upon my lap and let me snuggle him for as long as I need. And my dear Sammy has always been so patient.....waiting his turn if his sister needed something first. He has already shown that he is quite the gentlemen......even at the age of one.

My Sammy though, does have a voice if something bothers him enough. If he has had enough of the carrots at lunch or wants more carrots at lunch, he'll tell you. We've been working on signs with him, but he still pretty much likes to use his outdoor voice for indoor talking.

My Sammy has the biggest smile one could ever hope for from a baby. His face lights up and his mouth opens wide. Almost always, he lets out a little giggle. When this baby smiles, you can't help but smile too. A bad day can be turned around instantaneously with a smile of his. Luckily, he gives me (and daddy) as many smiles as we could ask for in a day. From the moment upon his wakening, to the moment upon sleep, he is a happy boy.
Up until this week.
Don't get me wrong, he still is a happy boy, but since I'm a first time mom here, I have to guess. I'm guessing we are near the all-to-familiar separation anxiety. I don't know else how to explain it. Every other night he has no problem going to sleep and last night it took over an hour. He completely skipped his afternoon nap today and still didn't go to actual sleep until 9:00, and I had been holding him for close to an hour. He doesn't want to go in his high chair, eat much or be put down at all. Which would not be a problem if he was a singleton, but as well all know, he is not.
Honestly, I think my little Sammy knows that daddy is gone( on business!). People may say that is crazy, but too many behaviors coincide and I really don't believe that this is teething. I could be wrong, but my gut tells me that he is smart enough to know that something has changed. And perhaps he has picked up on my emotions a little bit too.
In any event, I'll just keeping snuggling and loving on my sensitive little boy.
He is, after all, my Sammy.
1 comment: Sammy....I miss you guys so much!
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