Sunday, April 6, 2008

My Sabrina.



I dedicated an entire blog to Sammy the other day and in case anyone was wondering, of course I planned to do one for my little girl too.

So here it is.........

My Sabrina.

My Sabrina was born at 2:37 am on March 2nd, 2008.  She was the second born, but she was not to be outdone.  Her personality has shown through right since the start.  No one really thought she looked like me when she was born, and I agreed.  She seemed to have red tinted hair and none of us knew where that came from.  The closest person that she bore her a resemblance too was her Papa, my father.  I came across one of his baby pictures not too long after she was born and I thought....."Oh!  That's who she looks like!"

 IMG_1154 (2)


My Sabrina, has always been independent.....I would daresay even from the womb.  She was on my left side during the pregnancy and every now and then she would get a little quiet.  I would push on my belly or move around to try and get her to kick.  She would give me a strong kick to the side as if to say, "Leave me alone already!"


Her independence continued right on from birth.  In the beginning, she expressed this with her lungs.  Her very loud lungs.  She was not a patient girl.  I will always remember that her cry was so sharp and ear piercing!  If she needed to be fed or changed, it needed to happen within a moment or she would let us have it.

My Sabrina will cuddle on her terms.  She will come to me (or daddy) when she is ready to.  She is not one to be pushed.  Oh, but she does still like to cuddle.  I won't tell her I shared her little secret.  She'll be walking by and give me a quick peck on the lips or a quick hug and be off.  And sometimes, when she doesn't think I'm looking at her, she's looking at me......watching and observing.



My Sabrina has a wonderful and contagious laugh.  If it's something she finds particularly amusing she has the biggest and best belly of those laughs that builds up and would make anyone else in the room laugh too.  She enjoys especially laughing with her Sammy.....they play peek a boo with each of her favorite games.


And in the same note, if she is feeling particularly moody and something ticks her off, she can whip up the tears as fast as she could smile.  The tears usually stem from Sammy stealing a toy from her or us removing her from a potentially dangerous situations.  She has an unusual affection for computer cords and small things on the floor that the vacuum or I have missed.  We're working to find her other hobbies.



But this week, while Sammy has been having a tough time, my Sabrina has not.  It's almost as if she knows that I am on my own with them.  She goes to sleep without issue and when Sammy has needed me she occupies herself with a toy.  That she can express empathy and understanding at the age of one truly boggles my mind.  But she does, she really does.

So when I have that extra special one on one time with either one of them, I take it in a heartbeat.  It doesn't matter if I have laundry to do or dishes to wash.  I take my special moments when they come.  And when I put Sammy to bed tonight after she had already been down for twenty minutes, I looked over and she opened her eyes.  She reached up for me and I stole that moment.  I rocked and sang her to sleep while she held on to my neck and played with my nose.

She wanted to cuddle.

Really, could I ever tell her no?

She is, after all, my Sabrina.

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Anonymous said...

great post!

as mom of one, i wonder: how will i divide my attention when a second child comes along? won't i miss my alone time with my first?

but opportunities to give love just seem to pop up accordingly, don't they?

Kristen said...

That is it Rachel - you must leave Kleenex on this blog - your words are beautiful and descriptions amazing.